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Ayesha Takia The Salman Khan's Wanted actress, who has been lost without a trace as far back as she got hitched and became  mother, looked radically different in relation to her previous self on a recent event on Thursday  night . The over the top botoxed lips and solidified face have started speculation that Ayesha got a lip job and botox.

Have a look on this video which has gone viral :

As soon as her photos from the event went viral on social media, people started talking about her apparent enlarged lips and ‘swollen’ cheeks.
One of the users tweeted, “When your husband is a rich businessman and you don’t know how to spend the money. *Shopping mistakes*#AyeshaTakia.”
“Maths gone wrong. Subtracting something and adding it at wrong place = zero.Ayesha Takia #AyeshaTakia,” wrote the other.

Some even went out to compare her with Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner.
“Ayesha Takia is the Indian Kim Kardashian after plastic surgery,” wrote one.
Another person tweeted, “Kim Kardashian + Kylie Jenner == AYESHA tAKIA.”
A third Twitterer even termed her ‘gareebon ki Kim Kardashian’. And social media gone made and throw so many meme and trolling post about her surgery.
Finally after so much social media trolling and shamming Ayesha Takia comes up and slammed social media trolls and denied all rumors of cosmetic surgery   !

Hey all you fabulous ppl, let's be super proud of who we are right now coz it's freakin 2017 and we ain't letting no bullies bring us down. I love myself and you should love yourself too. Be who u wanna be n do what u wanna do, don't allow insecure souls to try n calm down ur confidence. Be fabulous n #StopSelfieShaming , stop picking on ppl for who they wanna be it's lame AF. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one😜 so screw what others think and OWN it baby💋 #ILoveMyself #dontCareAboutFalseRumours "

Talking to Indian Express, Ayesha said, "Online trolling and bullying has reached a new level, I guess. A handful of vicious people and gossip columns have decided to totally morph and distort my pics but the truth will prevail as I'm on social media every day and shooting/out and about. People can see what I really look like and luckily I have amazing followers on Instagram who I interact with daily, so they have not believed these lies and supported me all the way."

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