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There is burgeoning talk of a town new play Khan who instead of being fearful of gangsters and warlords id afraid of the common man. The following clip previews a drama serial soon to hit TV screens that sheds light on Pakistan's political scenario. As the contentious Panama Leaks Case spirals to its seeming conclusion, this clip substantiates Pakistan's myriad Media channels vociferous questioning of the country's skewed political scenario. On a daily basis one watches TV talk show hosts on nearly every channel periodically monitor debates and document Pakistan's snail-paced judicial process. TV anchors such as Mubashir Luqman, Shahzeb Khanzada, Kamran Khan, and Kashif Abbasi have become household name as they keep a hawk-eye on the peccadilloes of Pakistani politicians . These news hounds often face threats from powerful figures and the public should recognize and appreciate their concerted efforts; to stand as bulwarks against the weight of political intimidation. The drama serial KHAN seems like it may take some of the onus off their shoulders. With this bold televised impetus, one hopes there will be more ongoing drama serials that delve into Pakistan's political scenario and that the message journalists; -veritable beacons of truth - dole out are communicated vis a vis circumspect drama scripts rather than roundtable debates. This purview of relevant political stances conveyed through TV dramas and cinema will indubitably magnetize TV audiences who otherwise may have become jaded by TV talk shows. One is still unsure if KHAN will target any one particular political issue, but one hopes the narrative sparks an interest in an audience who have previously never been interested in politics and who when roused may rise up and make powerful contributions to improve Pakistan's socio-political milieu. Furthermore, since Pakistan only has ONE preeminent " Khan" who remains in the spotlight, it might not be wrong to conjecture that this seemingly eponymous drama serial may be based - albeit not explicitly- on this individual's efforts to usher in freedom and justice and mirror his public stance of challenging the status quo. The quixotic dialogue: "Main wo Khan hoon Jo shareefon se darta hai, badmashoon se nahi " finally makes one ponder upon which "Shareef" (Or Sharif) the narrator is alluding to... #KHAN

Watch Teaser of Drama Serial Khan Here:

2nd teaser :

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