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Real man Don't make someone Cry!! Start With The Boys! ​

The society has always asserted how shameful it is for a boy to cry. Time and again, we are reminded that real men don't cry. Girls cry.
The most courageous of men ever are my role models; the Prophet (pbuh) and ‘Umar (ra) and ‘Ali (ra), and their peers. They changed the world. They won hearts and they won territories. They fought bloody battles like lions, with bravery unrivalled. They buried their loved ones with their own hands, and went back to the work of serving the cause of upholding justice. And through it all, they dared to cry, unabashedly. We have all read accounts of how the Prophet (pbuh) wept profusely, sometimes on the death of a loved one and at other times for the fear of Allah (swt) and for concern for his people. We accept that, and love that, and idealise that.

While emphasizing this pointless proposition, we forget what's really important. There's nothing wrong with crying. But there's everything wrong with making someone cry. And gentlemen don't do that. Isn't that more a lesson worth teaching?  

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